Listing of Microsoft Great Plains tables used by Microsoft FRx

June 22, 2007 at 10:38 pm | Posted in Reporting | Leave a comment

This article lists the Great Plains tables used by FRx

FINANCE tables:

1. GL00100 Account Master
2. GL10110 Account Current Summary Master
3. GL10000 Transaction Work
4. GL10001 Transaction Amounts Work
5. GL00200 Budget Master
6. GL00201 Budget Summary Master
7. GL30000 Account Transaction History
8. GL40200 Segment Description Master
9. GL20000 Year-To-Date Transaction Open
10. GL30001 Account Summary History
11. DTA00100 Analysis Group Master
12. DTA00200 Analysis Code Master
13. MC40000 Multicurrency Setup

COMPANY tables:

1. SY40100 Period Setup
2. SY40101 Period Header
3. SY00300 Account Format Setup

SYSTEM tables:

1. SY00302 Account Definition
2. SY003001 Account Definition Header Dynamics

Tables that are directly read when generating FRx Financial reports are as follows:

1. DTA10200 Transaction Analysis Codes
2. GL10110 Account Current Summary Master
3. GL10111 Account Summary History
4. GL20000 Year-To-Date Transaction Open
5. GL30000 Account Transaction History
6. MC00201 Multicurrency Summary Master
7. MC30001 Mulitcurrency Account Summary Master

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